Danger level
2400m |
Moderate danger of wet avalanches will prevail.
The danger of wet and gliding avalanches will already exist in the early morning, especially on very steep slopes below approximately 2400 m.
As a consequence of new snow and a strong southwesterly wind, mostly small wind slabs will form in the course of the day at high altitudes and in high Alpine regions. The fresh wind slabs can only be released in isolated cases.
During the night the weather will be very cloudy over a wide area. The surface of the snowpack will freeze to form a strong crust only at high altitudes. In all regions rain will fall up to 2000 m. The weather conditions will give rise to softening of the snowpack. This applies in particular below approximately 2400 m.
As a consequence of snowfall above approximately 2000 m and the strong southwesterly wind, fresh snow drift accumulations will form in the course of the day. These are mostly only small.
In all regions only a small amount of snow is lying for the time of year. At low and intermediate altitudes from a snow sport perspective, in most cases insufficient snow is lying.
The danger of dry avalanches will increase. Fresh wind slabs represent the main danger.
As the temperature drops there will be a decrease in the danger of wet avalanches on Sunday.